The logs for the release pipeline show that it is failing on the msdeploy.exe (ComputerName=' step with the above error, due to a 404. (I filled in the mandatory fields, but not the optional ones.) Create a pipeline in the Releases section of Azure DevOps which will take the build artifact and run the Deploy Azure App service task to deploy it to my app service.Create a pipeline in the Pipelines section Azure DevOps which will build the solution and publish the build artifacts to the default staging directory.Create an App Service in the Azure Portal with a staging deployment slot.NET Core and uploaded it to an Azure Repo in Azure DevOps Services On the remote computer, make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that the required process ('Web Management Service') is started. More Information: Could not connect to the remote computer ('.'). However, when I try to deploy the site, the Deploy Azure App Service task fails with the error message:Įrror: Error Code: ERROR_DESTINATION_NOT_REACHABLE I am trying to deploy my site to an App Service from Azure DevOps Services.